To assess what the UAE CT regime means for your business, as a starting point, you should:

  1. Read the Corporate Tax Law and the supporting information available on the websites of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Authority.
  2. Use the available information to determine whether your business will be subject to UAE CT and if so, from what date.
  3. Understand the requirements for your business under the Corporate Tax Law, including, for example:
    1. Whether your business needs to register for UAE CT.
    2. What is the accounting / Tax Period for your business.
    3. By when your business would need to file a UAE CT return.
    4. What elections or applications can or should your business make for UAE CT Law purposes.
    5. How UAE CT may impact your business’ obligations and liabilities under contracts with customers and suppliers.
    6. What financial information and records your business will need to keep for UAE CT purposes.
  4. Regularly check the websites of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Authority for further information and guidance on the UAE CT regime.